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Oil Paintings Tender Results

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Andhra Pradesh, India

Andhra Pradesh, India

4) TKRID : 226759

3.27 Lacs

Aoc Date: 2020-06-18

Tamil Nadu, India

Maharashtra, India

Maharashtra, India

7) TKRID : 441551

2.96 Lacs

Aoc Date: 2020-04-08

Kerala, India

8) TKRID : 470619

Organization : Urban Administration and Development Department

Description : paintings work on boundrywall at various parks and sculptures in ujjain city

12.75 Lacs

Aoc Date: 2020-08-06

Madhya Pradesh, India

9) TKRID : 513455

55.71 Lacs

Aoc Date: 2019-06-04

Maharashtra, India

10) TKRID : 605389

8.59 Lacs

Aoc Date: 2018-06-21

Maharashtra, India
