NationalTenders About Us

About Us

About Us

We try harder to convert your expectations into achievement.

Vast 13 years of experience in providing tender information service, bidding support and its solution. TENDERKINGS is ensures the security of information and product with the combination of right information and accurate skills. tracks more than 10 Million Tenders annually such that you do not miss a Tender. More than 1 Lakh eTenders/eAuctions are exclusively hosted by India’s Fortune Companies on our eProcurement portals like

By subscribing TENDERKINGS you will get the business opportinities in tendering like :- tender information, documents, bidding support, JV, tender result. Apart from timely tender support we can help you to find sub contactors , vendor/supplier ,auction material , with the competitive quotes for various product and service & much more. We also provide the tender training programms to enhance your knowledge in tendering.

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owner vikaram shekhawat

Our Mission

On a daily basis, our talented market research team tracks domestic tenders, global tenders and projects from newspapers, websites, tender bulletins, government, semi government, private, corporate, public sector organizations.

Our Strength

We provide opportunities for working as consortiums / joint venture and associate you with the right project partners. Our widest supplier network also provides immense opportunity to you to work as subcontractor or to find the one.

Our Values

This helps you understand on what basis a particular vendor won a contract in the past. This is valuable source of information especially while bidding. As a member, you have access to over 2,00,000 archived tender results collated over the last ten years.

Pride of Rajasthan 2023 Award

Pride of Rajasthan Award owner vikaram shekhawat
Pride of Rajasthan Award owner vikaram shekhawat

why Tender Kings?

Increased Efficiency To Get Profitable Contract

Automate the entire tendering lifecycle for procurement of goods and services starting from creation of a purchase requisition through to the award of contract with strict control. Users can visualize the status of each tendering process of the comprehensive progress tracking function, reducing time for keeping track of status. Single point of access for TENDER INFORMATION , JV, SUB CONTRACTOR, VENDOR/SUPPLIER ETC

Value for Money

From the perspective of the client, tenderkings offer the greatest value for the amount of money spent. This is due to the fact that the client can choose from a wide pool of potential suppliers to select the ones that can produce the highest quality product or service at the lowest price point. This allows the company, establishment or organization to save money without having to compromise on quality. Therefore, despite being quite time consuming, tendering is, in my opinion, a profitable long-term process from an organization’s point of view.

Encourages Competition

The process of tendering helps promote a competitive market. This is because a number of potential contractors,firms or suppliers get a chance to bid for every project. And because selection depends on quality and price, every bidder tries to reduce operational inefficiencies and redundancies as much as possible in order to lower expenses and improve quality. This entire process encourages healthy competition in the market and prevents complacency and laziness, which in turn provides a boost to innovation and new ideas.

Improved Quality By Training Programms

Reduce takeoff costs and errors with digital Which Helps in upgrading an individual’s knowledge, skills and competencies. Good training programs help you to retain the right people , grow profit.