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Black Pepper Tender Results

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1) TKRID : 46197


Description : Black Pepper

25.96 K

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

Arunachal Pradesh, India

2) TKRID : 56928

Organization : Government E Marketplace(GEM)

Description : Black Pepper

8.56 K

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

Karnataka, India

3) TKRID : 61045

Organization : Government E Marketplace(GEM)

Description : Black Pepper

4.50 K

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

West Bengal, India

4) TKRID : 84618

Not Estimated

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

Maharashtra, India

5) TKRID : 85343

3.07 Lacs

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

Arunachal Pradesh, India

6) TKRID : 88696

Not Estimated

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

Multi State, India

7) TKRID : 94033

Organization : Government E Marketplace(GEM)

Description : Black Pepper

29.40 K

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

Uttarakhand, India

8) TKRID : 98238

Organization : Government E Marketplace(GEM)

Description : Black Pepper

53.12 K

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

Jammu and Kashmir, India

9) TKRID : 132821

Not Estimated

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

Multi State, India

10) TKRID : 138069

37.68 K

Aoc Date: 0000-00-00

Multi State, India
